
Prezzi originariamente indicati in GBP United Kingdom Pounds

Per un massimo di 5 ospiti

Periodo Da A Giorno feriale Giorno weekend Ogni settimana Prezzo mensile Soggiorno minimo Giorno di ingresso
Tutte le date - - €82 - - - 1 notte Flessibile

NB: i prezzi potrebbero essere soggetti a modifica, a discrezione dell'inserzionista

The prices shown for the property is for up to FIVE people.
For each extra person, over FOUR, add £10 per person per night
(Children under 10 excluded from the above)
The period 18th December to 4th January will attract a 10% surcharge as does the Easter Weekend.
Special Offers available on request for stays of 14 nights or over

Rates are shown in £ for guidance but are payable in Czech Currency on arrival.
Linen, Towels and Cleaning are al included in the price